The Missing Link in Your Keyword Strategy
Squirrly’s Briefcase feature helps you take the step you’ve been overlooking by bridging the gap between Keyword Research and Strategy Implementation.
Keyword research and analysis represent just a piece of your keyword strategy puzzle. To capitalize on that research, you need a flexible, collaborative keyword management tool.
One place to Save and Group your Top Keywords
You can add and delete keywords in your portfolio based on your current campaigns, trends, performance and more. A successful keyword strategy is one that keeps evolving.

Keywords are Organizable by
Labels and Filters
You can assign a color and a name to each Label so you can easily filter them and conveniently navigate your portfolio. One keyword can have multiple labels.

Shows Keyword Optimization History
So that you can make smart strategy calls and prioritize your work.
Easily find all the pages and articles in your site optimized for a certain keyword saved in Briefcase.
This gives you an overlook on your current strategy and makes it clear when a keyword strategy isn’t working and when it’s probably time to rethink your plan.

Integrates Seamlessly into your Team’s Workflow
Use Briefcase to store and collaborate on all keywords your team is targeting for a campaign. A simple way to coordinate your organization’s SEO efforts for higher productivity.

Numerous Ways to Use Labels
Labels in Briefcase give you the flexibility to manage your keyword portfolio your way. This way of working with keywords makes keyword research more actionable and ensures better focus – for all those working on a project.
Group keywords based on the different stages that shape your customer’s journey:
- “Problem awareness”
- “Solution awareness”
- “Solution comparison”
- “Decision”
- “Implementation”
- “After sales”
The queries people use to search online showcase their intent.
So, if you’re targeting keywords that come in a question format, you may want to assign a label named Informational.
Conversion-focused keywords that have
- cheap,
- free shipping,
- best price
incorporated can be grouped together using a label named Transactional.
Group together keywords that are related, similar or synonyms with the main keyword you want to target.
Every time you start working on creating the content, you can sort by Label and you’ll know exactly which keywords to focus on.
For instance, you can assign a Blue label to keywords that can be targeted in your existing content and a Yellow label to keywords for which you’ll have to create new content marketing assets.
Of course, you can simply group your keywords based on the SEO campaigns you’re currently working on, and have a clear overview of them.
Save keywords that reflect your business and ensure that the content you put out there is consistent with your vision and strategy.
Something that is not always easy to do when managing a team of writers and content creators.
Label specific words or phrases based on what you want to communicate to your audience during different campaigns.
If you have a team of content writers for your site, this way of using labels will help guide their content creation process and ensure your marketing message is coherent.
A new way to use Labels can be inspired by Your Business
Strengthen Your Keyword Strategies with Squirrly's SEO Concerted Approach to Keywords
Most of the other keyword tools on the market today are one-dimensional, and only help with one aspect, usually keyword research. So the use you get out of them is limited.
Squirrly SEO is different. When you get Squirrly, you get a keyword strategy powerhouse that allows you to have an efficient workflow and cover all your bases for a truly powerful keyword strategy.
Your strategy is only as strong as its weakest link. Make sure there’s no breach in your Keyword Strategy. Use Briefcase.
See why people love it

“I use Squirrly every time I create a new post.”
– Neil Patel, Co-Founder of KissMetrics.
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