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Focus Pages: the Assistant who maps the road to Better Rankings. For every single page. Always with different specifics.

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Florin, CEO of Squirrly

You’ll always Know How to Go from A to B(etter) Rankings

Just like you use your car’s GPS to get the fastest route to your destination, you can use Focus Pages to generate a customized path to Search Engine Success for each one of your pages.

Reaching those top positions in Google is no longer a blurry dream – but a within-reach destination that you can get to by following a clearly-defined path.

Working with Focus Pages Is Like Having a Built-in Navigation System for Ranking Your Most Important Pages

Focus Pages provide a clear way to navigate Google’s ranking algorithms with once-unimaginable precision.  

It maps the road to Search Engine Success by bringing what really matters for SEO into Focus via clear checks that are relevant to how Search Engines work today.

There’s nothing on the market right now that even comes close to the power Focus Pages provide.

With Focus Pages, there will be no more hit-and-miss.

There will be no more unknowns or roadblocks that you can’t overcome, because you’ll know what steps to take and which path to follow to reach SEO success. 

No more missing your destination.

A Customized Route to Better Rankings
- for Each One of Your Pages

SEO has moving parts that don’t function on their own.

It’s like a puzzle that you need to solve to get results. And with 200 factors that Google takes into account to rank your pages, figuring out how to put the pieces together is an overwhelming task.  

With the innovative Focus Pages solution from Squirrly SEO, this is not something you have to worry about anymore.

That’s because you’ll have an easy way to visualize the ranking factors Google uses to determine what position you will reach.

But what makes Focus Pages truly groundbreaking is the fact that it provides customized information on how to rank your pages on a case-by-case basis.

So none of those generic, one-size fits all instructions that you can find anywhere and which often leave you feeling more confused than when you started.   

For one page you could have 10 number of things you need to do, and for another page, you could have just 5 things you need to focus on.  

Why was this so important to do?

Because Google doesn’t see your pages as being all the same.

Ranking a page requires taking a different set of steps – according to the individual characteristics of said page.

For example, maybe one of the pages you’re trying to rank is optimized for a keyword with high-competition. This will significantly reduce your chances of ranking.


Going after a keyword that has heavy competition is like being stuck on a road with heavy traffic. Your site’s not going to make any progress ahead, because there are just too many sites competing in the same lane.

Focus Pages will signal when there is heavy traffic ahead (keywords that have high-competition), and guide you towards a path where you have the best chances to succeed.

It will also show you whether you have a flat tire (technical SEO issues) or if you need to put some more gas in the tank (create more SEO content).

In fact, it checks for all the main factors that influence a page’s chances of ranking.  

No More Overlooking Essential Aspects that
Ruin Your Chances of Ranking

Ranking your pages is not about doing one big thing right. It’s about doing a lot of small things thoroughly and consistently.

Simple oversight can cause your pages to never achieve their full ranking potential, while a quick fix can sometimes lead to massive wins. Like making sure there are no visibility issues and that Google CAN index your pages.

However, not even the most seasoned SEO professionals can always keep track of every little thing that goes into ranking a page.

With Focus Pages, it will be pretty much impossible to overlook critical aspects that impact your chances of rankings because you’ll always be notified of such issues.

Squirrly SEO is the only plugin that provides this level of oversight and guidance.

Tweak over 113 Ranking Factors that Google Takes into Account when Analyzing a Page

Reaching those top positions on Google seems like a moving target. But with Focus Pages, you will be able to take better aim. 

That’s because you’ll have clear tasks you can work on to supercharge your rankings. 

 Focus Pages from Squirrly SEO shows you over 113 ranking factors that you can influence to make Google love you.

All that incredible intelligence is shaped into clear tasks that you need to solve.

Each task comes with a specific set of instructions, so that you’ll always know which is the next step you need to take to improve your SEO rankings.

Powerful Data Comes to Life inside Focus Pages

Just like there is a reason for each one of Google’s ranking factors, there is a reason for every single task and information you’ll find in the Focus Pages panel.

Through the powerful guidance provided, you’ll check all the boxes of Search Engine Success and rank how Google wants you to rank.   

To get a better sense of just how complex Focus Pages is, and how many things it takes into account, here’s an overview of the main aspects it covers for you. 

  • Indexability
  • Keywords
  • SEO content
  • Platform SEO
  • Platform Health
  • Snippet
  • SEO images
  • Traffic Health
  • Page Authority
  • Social Signals
  • Inner Links
  • Backlinks
  • Outbound Links

Understand Your SEO Progress in Seconds

Get essential performance insights about each one of your Focus Pages without leaving WordPress. 

Turn elements from Red to Green and You Will Win
- Yep, as Simple as that!

Using the Focus Pages system means you’ll only work on SEO tasks that generate an impact. And stop wasting your time on issues that are no longer relevant or that don’t actually influence a page’s chance of ranking.  

We’ve made the experience of using Focus Pages as easy and as straightforward as possible to allow for more focused workflows.

And made working on Ranking your pages exciting with fun gamification elements. 

Red Elements

These signal the issues which are currently stopping you from ranking on the first positions in Google Search. But Focus Pages not only indicate the problem; it will also point to the solution.

By clicking on a Red Element, you can learn more about the problem and see clear next steps that you need to take to solve it. Plus, Squirrly will tell you which of its tools and features you should use to fix the issue.

All you have to do is follow the instructions.

Green Elements

Every Green element represents an SEO win, a task you managed to solve to improve a page’s chances of ranking on Google.

Your goal is to turn all of the elements that you see in the Focus Pages section Green. The more green elements you have for a page you’re trying to rank on Google, the more chances you have of reaching that goal.

It doesn’t get any easier than this. 

Chance to rank

Squirrly has studied over 600,000 websites with progress and history over a period of 7 years to understand HOW WordPress sites get ranked on the top positions in Google.

Powered by that insight and machine learning, the system is able to determine a page’s chance to rank with impressive accuracy. 

Each of the elements inside Focus Pages corresponds to a factor that Google takes into account to determine how high to rank a page. So you’ll know that the work you do supports your rankings goals 100%

When working with Focus Pages, Less Means More Focused

Working with Focus Pages involves focusing on ranking a limited number of pages in your site at a time. You can add up to 5 Pages as your Focus Pages (for the PRO Account) and up to 10 Pages (for a Business account).

This is not to limit you. It’s just another mechanism we’ve created inside the plugin to help you work more efficiently and create a scalable SEO workflow.

This way of doing SEO for your site provides extraordinary benefits.

  • Don’t lose track of your Focus. By working on just a limited number of pages at once, you’ll never lose sight of where you should focus your energy next.
  • Work on ranking pages that support your current strategy. Limiting the number of pages you’re trying to rank on Google helps you be more organized and prioritize your work. 
  • Better track how your efforts translate into results (and measure them more accurately).

Focus Pages Is the Innovation that Will Transform How You Do SEO for your Site

You can follow proven methods and solve specific SEO tasks in order to generate the most impact. There is no other plugin on the market right now that can provide this type of oversight or this level of customization and guidance.

With Focus Page, anyone can supercharge their Rankings, even non-experts who have literally no experience at this.

It‘s like having a Compass indicating the path to SEO Success. 

On your journey, you’ll learn to rethink your strategy, experiment, and look for new solutions to rank your pages.

You’ll feel empowered to try new approaches so that you’ll always keep moving forward (as opposed to just creating a page and then hoping to start ranking but not having any sort of plan on what to do if you don’t).

This is how SEO work should get done. 

Ranking your pages will no longer be a guessing game or an uncertain journey.  You’ll know what’s working and what’s not, and when is time to make changes in your strategy.

And you’ll never want to go back to the old way of doing things.

Rank Using Only Google-Approved White Hat Tactics

If you want to build a long-term brand and consistently score SEO wins, then you need to work with Google – not try to trick it into giving you traffic that you don’t deserve.

Google’s job is to serve its users, so obeying Google’s rules actually means doing your part in ensuring the user’s needs come first.

Plus, Google’s rules translate into Google ranking factors which impact your chance of ranking, so playing by the rules means earning your place on the 1st Page of Google.

However, between constant algorithm changes and all that contradicting information that you can find online, it’s hard to know what Google wants and expects site owners to do.

Focus Pages makes it easy to rank how Google wants you to rank so that you can be successful in bringing your WordPress pages on the first page of Google for your desired keywords.

Everything you find in the Focus Pages section is 100% relevant to how search engines work today. It ensures that you are doing everything that you are supposed to do so that Google loves your pages and ranks them higher than your competitors’.

From creating long-form high-quality content that people will want to read and share with others to having excellent on-site SEO, to creating compelling meta descriptions and ensuring you have all the necessary SEO settings in place – everything is accounted for.

This way, you’ll play by Google’s Rules, focus on the needle movers and avoid wasting time on things that don’t impact your rankings.

You’ll fight the good fight and win!

Start with One Page
Gain the Experience to Rank All Others

The Focus Pages system works, and the best way to understand the incredible value it provides is to test it out yourself.

No strings attached. 

You can start a Free Trial today and begin a 14-Days, totally-free ride towards achieving ranking success for one of your Pages (you choose which one).

Everything is sponsored by us; we’ll provide the technology, the knowledge, and the exact work-plan you need to succeed. All you need to do is show up and stick with the 14-Days plan.



A good way to think about this Journey is as an SEO boot camp where you’ll get to learn and test proven strategies and tactics which will help improve your Google Rankings.

  • You’ll receive 14 full recipes that you can follow to start making progress. 
  • The recipes include step-by-step instructions, which means you’ll know exactly what you need to do to increase the rankings for one of your pages.

Otherwise, it would have probably taken you months to figure these things yourself.

And without the power Squirrly SEO provides, you’d have to do many of the tasks in these recipes manually, which would have been significantly harder.

There’s more. 

You’ll also get exclusive access to a special Facebook group where you can hang out with other site owners who may have experienced some of the same challenges you’re experiencing and can offer advice.

This journey is just 14-Days long, but the knowledge and the experience you’ll get from it will stay with you forever and ever.

So that you can continue to multiply your success and continuously rank your most important pages on Google.

The Focus Pages method Works

Drew Spangler
Drew Spanglersmall business owner
I made one blog post and within days I was in the top 20 of Google. I followed everything they [Squirrly’s Focus Pages] suggested to make it green for SEO and it was super easy to do. From there, I went on to optimize my site and got into the top 20 of Google.
What makes this truly innovative is that each Focus Page comes with customized information that zooms in on all the tasks that you need to work on to improve rankings (for that particular page).
Eduardo José Maria
Eduardo José Maria
I joined the 14-day journey, and it's being the best SEO experience I've ever had, this plugin is the best of all to get good organic results.
Squirrly SEO not only provides new functionality but it’s introducing a new experience of doing SEO, giving users a step-by-step Framework for ranking their business via Focus Pages.
Ohblogonit .com
Ohblogonit .com
There’s nothing else on the market like this tool. Optimizing is a puzzle with many moving parts. There are over 200 SEO ranking factors and there is no way you can find a way through the maze without help. I know because I was completely lost until I started using this plugin.
Radical designs creative agency .com
Radical designs creative agency .com
My secret weapon for getting in the top rankings on Google is called Focus Pages.
Squirrly SEO (Strategy) is the 1st to introduce a new way of doing SEO by providing turn-by-turn guidance to help users navigate Google’s ranking algorithms and reach their destination: the 1st Page of Google. It’s like a built-in navigation system for ranking high-value pages on Google.
Inside the Focus Pages panel, you can work on solving tasks that are 100% relevant to how Search Engines work today – and avoid wasting time on issues that don’t impact your chance of rankings. All users have to do is work on turning the Red elements Green – and they can significantly improve their chance of ranking.
Eduardo José Maria
Eduardo José Maria
Before installing the plugin and entering the 14-day journey I didn't receive site visits but after installing the plugin and following all the instructions the plugin provides to configure it I am getting 608 visits per hour.
What makes this feature truly groundbreaking is the fact that it provides customized information on how to rank your pages on a case-by-case basis. None of that generic information that you can find all over the web and which often leaves you feeling overwhelmed or confused.
Smart affiliate hub .com
Smart affiliate hub .com
Squirrly has released focus pages to take SEO to the next level.

“I use Squirrly every time I create a new post.”

– Neil Patel, Co-Founder of KissMetrics.

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