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- Squirrly SEO AppSumo Deal -

1. What is SERP Checker Cloud?

The SERP Checker Cloud is a service that Squirrly developed to provide accurate ranking data inside the Focus Pages section and inside the Rankings section.

The SERP Cloud Checker is ONLY included if you get 2 or 3 CODES.


You will still get access to the Rankings section, but the ranking data will be taken from Google Search Console, which is NOT an exact position – it’s an average.

Also, you can’t use it to check data for any kind of keyword whenever you want — you can only check keywords from within GSCs database for your site.

So, one of the benefits of getting two codes (Double Plan) or three codes (Multiple Plan) is this:

👍 Ranking data will come from our Private SERP Checker Cloud Services and you will see EXACT positions for any keyword you want to check.

2. What is: 100 per day SERP cloud check ranking on-demand?

By getting 1 Code, you still gets access to the way we display the Rankings Section for Business Level Users and the social media metrics checking.

But we only begin adding SERP Checker Credits starting with 2 Codes.

For those on the 1 Code:

  • ranking data comes from Google Search Console, which shows averages, not exact positions and you can’t use it to check data for any kind of keyword whenever you want – you can only check keywords from within GSCs database for your site.

For those on 2 Codes and 3 Codes:

  • ranking data comes from our Private SERP Checker Cloud Services and shows exact positions for any keyword you want to check.

If you get either the Double (2 codes) or the Multiple Plan (3 codes), you will get up to 3,000 SERP Checker Cloud Credits/per month/account, which is approx. 100 SERP Checker Cloud Credits/day/account.

One credit = one check

For example, adding a total of 100 keywords per ACCOUNT to Rankings helps ensure you don’t consume all 3,000 ranking check credits before the credits reset.

(Once you reach the 3,000 ranking check limit, you will have to wait until the next month when the limit will reset again).

But this is very flexible.

Depending on how you manage your projects, you can choose to check 1,000 keywords for a site today for example, and then take out all keywords from the Rankings section the next day, so that no more credits get consumed.

Or  – another example – you can start checking 100 keywords on 30 sites across your account and make a monthly rankings report.

📚 Additional resources:

3. What is the Web Dev Kit?

We’ve created Web Dev Kit for Co-Branding Capabilities, but also as a B I G requests from agencies and developers who really wanted to offer their customers the absolute best – while also being able to install the plugin and to monitor the clients from a single account.

Web Dev Kit versus Squirrly’s Agency Plan >>

^^ usage volumes will be the same as the ones presented on the AppSumo deal AND you will get access to the features from the Web Dev Kit vs Agency Plan comparison.

The purpose of the Web Dev Kit is to help agencies with:

  • creating interesting customizations for their clients;
  • remove their access for the Cloud App;
  • make easy pre-configured zip files to customize the Squirrly SEO experience for end-users;
  • remove client access when the end-user is no longer a client;
  • and mainly to be able to easily manage the installs for their clients.

Florin offered more details about the Web Dev Kit during our live webinar.

 If you want to take a look at how the Web Dev Kit settings look like and learn more about them, you should check it out.

▶️ webinar –  details about Web Dev Kit start around min: 29:32.

PLUS: We’ve recently added even more options to add even MORE customization power to the Web Dev Kit.

You can learn more about each option and what it helps you achieve HERE >>. 

4. What's the difference between "Keyword Researches", "New Keywords Ideas", and "Deep Keyword Researches"?

The default option of Keyword Research will reveal insights about around 10-20 results (keyword ideas) to cut down the time it takes to process all the information. (great for times when you want to keyword ideas quickly).

However, if you want to perform a deeper research, you have the option to Do a Deep Research and get insights for up to 50 keywords (up to 50 keyword ideas).

Because we process more information for this, this way of doing keyword research takes a bit longer and is more complex.

Every time you perform a keyword research (either a deep keyword research or a regular one) – that counts as ONE keyword research.

So, even if you perform a deep keyword research and you get 50 new ideas – that still counts as ONE keyword research.

The deep keyword research ideas per month and new keyword ideas per month limit refer to the actual results/ideas we show you after you perform keyword research. (whether you choose to use those keywords or not, they still add up)

So, for the Multiple plan, for example: 

  • you can perform 900 keyword researches per month /account and have up to 45,000 deep keyword research ideas per month/per account.

Since every deep research can reveal up to 50 results (ideas), you can get up to 45,000 deep keyword ideas per month/account (900×50 = 45,000 ideas).


Squirrly also comes with a Keyword Research Assistant that performs Keyword Researches on your behalf WITHOUT using any keyword research credits from your total monthly keyword research credits available.

To come up with high-opportunity, relevant keyword suggestions, the research assistant:

  • Does research based on Main Keywords, Secondary Keywords you’ve used in your posts and pages.
  •  Does research according to keywords from Google Search Console.
  •  Does research based on your Keyword Research History.
  • Then, it will display a list of keywords with research data attached, in case it finds good ideas for you.

📚 More details here.

5. What does Advanced Analytics refer to?

In Squirrly, Advanced Analytics covers the following:

  • Social Media Shares,
  • Impressions,
  • Clicks,
  • CTR,
  • Ranking,
  • Best Ranking,
  • Daily Average Ranking for the last 30 Days.

And in addition to that, Squirrly also shows you Traffic data for every page you add as a Focus Page (in the Traffic Health Section) – alongside bounce rate data and time on-page data. 

All this data is retrieved from Google Analytics.

You also get Traffic insights inside the Squirrly Audit – see the list of pages with the most visitors for the last week.

6. What is the difference between Focus Pages and the SEO Live Assistant?

The SEO Live Assistant and Focus Pages are two completely different features.

The SEO Live Assistant can be used to optimize your pages for SEO. You get UNLIMITED pages that you can optimize using the SEO Live Assistant, whether you get 1, 2, or 3 codes.

Focus Pages analyzes a page’s chances of ranking taking into account over 113 ranking factors that Google also takes into account when deciding if to rank a page on Google and on which position.

The analysis is extremely complex, connecting the dots between many sides of SEO to show you page-specific tasks you need to complete in order to improve your chances of ranking.

One of the things the Focus Pages system checks for is whether your page is optimized using the SEO Live Assistant (to ensure you have Search Relevance).

But it also looks at things like:

  • the keywords you are targeting,
  • whether you have backlinks for that page,
  • whether you have inner links,
  • and many more other factors that impact your chances of ranking.

A team can influence the ranking factors for about 10 pages at a time. Getting traffic, social media shares, writing better and longer content, making sure visitors have a good experience on a page — all these take a lot of focus.

By influencing the ranking factors and turning those Red Dots to Green, you start ranking higher and improving the chances of ranking on the first page.

Once a page starts ranking in TOP 10 on Google, then you no longer need to focus on tweaking the page and you can just check its ranking from the Ranking Section of Squirrly, to make sure it stays in top 10.

This frees up space for new pages you want to start ranking (new pages that you can set as Focus Pages).

Having a page set as Focus Pages doesn’t influence the SEO Live Assistant for that page.

Whether you have that page set as Focus Page or not, the SEO Live Assistant will check for the same number of items.

7. What exactly is "Audit Suite Pages"?

The limit regarding Audit Suite Pages refers to how many pages you can add to be audited by the Squirrly Audit Suite.

We call it an Audit Suite, because it audits multiple aspects that impact your site’s performance

  • blogging
  • traffic
  • SEO
  • social media
  • links
  • authority

Depending on how many codes you buy, you get:

  • 300 pages to add to the audit (1 code)
  • 600 pages to add to the audit (2 codes)
  • 900 pages to add to the audit (3 codes)

Florin presented the Audit in more detail as part of a webinar we did with AppSumo. You can check it out here.

📚We also have a full tutorial on how to use this feature from Squirrly posted here.

8. For the Single and Double plans, the number of sites is limited. Is it possible to recycle the sites?

For the Single and Double Plans, you get a limited number of sites that you can have attached to your account at the same time.

However, you can delete the websites.

The limits stated on the DEAL PAGE refer to ACTIVE websites/account.

So, if you get the Single plan and install Squirrly on 5 sites, you would have reached the limit.

HOWEVER, if you delete one website from your account, that opens up a new slot and you can once again install Squirrly SEO on a new website.

9. Can you elaborate on the Focus Pages limitations for the Single, Double, and Multiple plans?

Depending on the plan you get (Single, Double, or Multiple), it’s 25, 50, or 100 focus pages for the ENTIRE account, and you can have up to 10 pages set as Focus Pages / site at any given time.

You choose which pages on your site you add as Focus Pages. You can learn more about what Focus Pages are all about and how to use them here.

It’s important to know that you CAN change the focus page. The way we thought about it is:

There are over 113 ranking factors to tweak and improve for every single focus page.

A team can influence the ranking factors for about 10 pages at a time.

Getting traffic, social media shares, writing better and longer content, making sure visitors have a good experience on a page — all these take a lot of focus.

By influencing the ranking factors and turning those Red Dots to Green, you start ranking higher and improving the chances of ranking on the first page.

Once a page starts ranking in TOP 10 on Google, then you no longer need to focus on tweaking the page.

That means you can remove that page from the Focus Pages panel and just check its ranking from the Ranking section of Squirrly, to make sure it stays in top 10.

This frees up space for new pages you want to start ranking.

10. Which limits apply per site and which per account?

Per account:

  • number of active sites on which you can have Squirrly SEO installed at the same time (5,10, or UNLIMITED depending on how many codes you get) 
  • total number of Pages that you can have set as Focus Pages at the same time (25, 50, or 100 depending on how many codes you get)
  • keyword researches per month (300, 600, or 900 depending on how many codes you get)
  • new keyword ideas per month (15,000, 30,000, or 45,000 depending on how many codes you get)
  • deep keyword research ideas per month (15,000, 30,000, or 45,000 depending on how many codes you get)
  • 100 per day SERP cloud check ranking on-demand

Per site:

  • maximum number of pages that you can have set as Focus pages at the same time (10 pages regardless of the plan you get)
  • Audit suite pages

More about Squirrly SEO:


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